As an enterprise platform, Drupal requires appropriate Hosting & Maintenance measures to keep the site secure and performant after launch. Our Drupal developers bring their years of experience to managing the sites we maintain so our clients can focus on their core business. We monitor our maintained Drupal sites daily for new updates to ensure that client sites stay up-to-date and secure.

While DesignHammer hosts Drupal sites on our development servers we also work with premier hosting vendors in the Drupal space such as Acquia, Contegix, and Pantheon. We also have extensive experience working with our client’s internal enterprise managed Drupal hosting implementation including OpenStack, multi-site, and Docker-based approaches.

If you are looking for a new Drupal hosting or support vendor, we have extensive experience auditing existing Drupal sites, onboarding, updating, and extending Drupal sites developed by different vendors.

Do you have a Drupal disaster on your hands?

Check out our Drupal Rescue service

Drupal Association

We’re a proud organization member of the Drupal Association.