In today’s ever-evolving world, websites cannot be static; once a website launches the journey is just beginning. To maintain or even increase the effectiveness of your site, you need to keep current with the latest updates, trends, and the evolving needs and desires of your audience. Beyond just Hosting & Maintenance and security patching, our Continuous Improvement services may focus on feature upgrades, a desire to iterate on existing pages, or even add unique ones such as special events or promotions pages. DesignHammer will work with you to determine the best course of action after we’ve delivered your Final Candidate.


Site Security and Maintenance

To keep a website secure and functional, required patches and other updates need to be applied promptly and properly. Sites that are not up to date may have unpatched bugs or may be vulnerable to known security exploits. Benjamin Franklin once said that “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” While we are certain he wasn’t referring specifically to the modernities we are afforded today, the statement still rings true. Just as your body, car, home, and other valuables need regular maintenance to minimize costly (and inconvenient) emergency repairs, so does your website.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement is our process of regularly working with clients to review project metrics, identify areas of opportunity, and implement improvements. As soon as your project is deployed, there are likely immediate ways that it can adapt to your ever-changing business operations. Our strategic consultants will monitor Analytics Reporting to measure the success of your content marketing strategies, inform adjustments to the website user interface based on traffic behavior, and target any other predefined metrics specific to the unique goals of your business. DesignHammer can help keep your website firing on all cylinders while adapting to changing business goals, challenges, and needs.